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Why use an oil-fired boiler?
user:admin time:2018-11-24 view:2626
What is an oil boiler?
An oil-fired boiler is a boiler that uses fuel for fuel, and a boiler that includes oil such as diesel oil and waste oil. The overall layout of the oil-fired boiler is similar to that of a coal-fired boiler, except that the bottom of the furnace of the oil-fired boiler is made up of a thermal insulation furnace bottom inclined to the rear wall by 10° to 30° to obtain good combustion characteristics.
The fuel of the oil-fired boiler is fuel (such as diesel oil, engine oil, kerosene, etc.), and the fuel of the gas-fired boiler is gas (such as natural gas, city gas, biogas, etc.), and the equipment that depends on the fuel burned by the boiler is called a burner, and the gas burner is configured. The boiler is called a gas boiler, and the boiler equipped with an oil burner is called an oil-fired boiler. The difference between an oil-fired boiler and a gas-fired boiler is the burner that uses the fuel.
Advantages of the oil boiler:
The first advantage of an oil-fired boiler is the low investment in equipment. The fuel burns quickly, and there is no problem of furnace coking, and the furnace volume heat load is higher than that of a coal-fired boiler. It is almost twice as high. Thus, the volume of the furnace is significantly reduced, and the steel frame of the boiler can be correspondingly reduced. The ash in the fuel is very small, and the ash in the flue gas is very light to the heating surface of the tail. A higher flue gas flow rate can be selected to enhance the heat transfer of the heated surface of the tail, which can reduce the heating surface of the tail. There is no need for huge milling equipment, and there is no need to build huge coal storage yards, ash storage yards and powder storage silos. The fuel oil system is very simple.
The second advantage is that due to the low ash content in the oil, the fuel and flue gas wears off the equipment very lightly, and the equipment maintenance and maintenance work is small.
The third advantage is that the fuel oil does not need further processing, and the transportation is convenient as long as the temperature is raised, and the boiler can be sent to the boiler by boosting the pump. Therefore, the fuel stove consumes less electricity per ton of steam. The disadvantage of oil-fired boilers is that they consume a lot of valuable high-quality fuel. Fuel is an important chemical raw material, and it is a pity to burn it as a fuel. In the current energy shortage and high fuel oil prices, it is of great economic importance to not burn oil or burn less oil.